Monday, January 25, 2010

The Tour

Since you're so kind as to read this blog, I thought I'd give you a tour of my practice and touch on some of the finer points of the environment.  (Warning: this post contains everything you never cared about regarding the minutia of my practice.)

My massage practice is located inside Giuseponi, Etc. Hair Design in downtown Sebastopol. I have a nice little room all to myself as far back from street and sidewalk as you can get in this space, so it's pretty quiet except for the occasional salon noise. The walls are a calm mossy green or sage green, and most of the furniture and decorations are currently black or dark brown, creating an elegant atmosphere. I have some thoughts to veer toward a more earthy, nature- and Feminine-inspired environment, but that's for the future.

I've fitted my room with a small collection of Himalayan salt tea light holders. Most were purchased in town at Milk & Honey or The Uncarved Block.  I burn only 100% beeswax candles (usually courtesy of Beekind) with cotton wicks.  The negative ions from both the salt and beeswax help to purify the air and improve mood and feelings of well-being.  Occasionally I employ a small porcelain diffuser with essential oils from Young Living or Simplers for a short amount of time if I feel like the room needs a little livening up.  I also have a lovely little water fountain and some artwork.

My table is typically set with bamboo twill or jersey blend sheets which are so soft and comfortable, it should be a crime.  I have a nice wooly fleece on my table and the table's padding itself is both soft and supportive.  I also have a small polar fleece blanket available for extra warmth, if needed.  I use organic jojoba oil and Pure Touch water dispersing oils and lotions, so no one walks away with greasy stains.  I have a selection of gentle playlists to set a relaxing mood, from ocean waves and island voices to Native American flutes.

In fitting out my room and my practice, I prefer to support local businesses like most of those listed above whenever I can, and I will continue to do so as I restock, revamp, reorganize, and re-whatever else I do.  So... there you have it.  With luck, I will soon have a video and/or slide show to give you some visual references, as well.  Until next time, peace.

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