Among my various conundrums of life, health, and business, my basement flooded. Not bad, thankfully, but enough to give it a pervasive stink of must and mold, even after a good scrub down with vinegar and/or bleach. Ew. That aside, I've been sorting out how the rest of this year is going to go, as well as how next year is going to start. I have my labor massage course this Thursday and Friday out in Citrus Heights, and I think after that point, I'm just going to relax on the continuing ed for a little bit. I'd like to return to higher ed next semester, if possible, but that remains a point of uncertainty at this moment. My school has made devilishly steep cuts to class offerings, so finding what I need, when I need it is a challenge.
The blanket drive is still going, and I'm still taking donations. Don't forget that you will incentive vouchers for $10 off massage for each blanket donated. Spread the word and please give. I will accept up- or recycled baby and security blankets in good, clean, unstained condition, as well, so don't let your already-loved blankies go to waste.
That's all for now, I believe. Enjoy this beautiful autumn weather!
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