As mentioned a couple weeks ago, I'm one of the founding members of The Amethyst Network, a non-profit that will help provide doulas for parents going through miscarriage. We barely have a website, we're coordinating via Facebook and a forum that's not even public yet, we haven't filed any paperwork, I don't think, and we already have a call. This work has a lot of people excited, but while we're getting the organization put together, we can't afford to lose steam, and we want to start helping where we can.
Unless I get nixed by the other founders, I'm going to set up a Twitter account to help get the word out if/when we get more of these calls. Twitter has a much further, more effectively targeted potential reach for us at this point: each of us only has a few hundred FB friends, and we only have 140 Likers so far. We're growing, but we're far shy of our goals. However, many of you, my dear Followers, have an existing network of birth lovers, doulas, midwives, moms, dads, and other people whose lives or hearts have been touched by the pain of miscarriage and could be willing and able to help. You are spread out across the United States and across the world, and you can get the word out.

Thank you for your attention. You can go forth, now.
I follow! And I'll do a follow friday week this Friday!