Friday, March 11, 2011

A few simple changes

I was contemplating the way I have set up and maintained my social networking presence as a massage therapist and doula, and I've decided it's a little screwy.

I started this blog ostensibly as a promotional tool for my business. All well and good, but there just isn't enough about my business that's very interesting to a large, non-local population of readers. Heck, there's not enough of interest to a miniscule local population of readers. (Read: me.) I want to branch out, expand my circle of readership and get more Likers on Facebook without bothering non-locals with news of a current special or the like. (Like 25% off appointments or gift certificates purchased on March 21st in celebration of Spring! Yeah.)

So here's what I'm going to do. I have officially changed the URL of this blog so update your bookmarks! The blog itself is going to get its own FB page linked to my Twitter, and this will be where most of my FB/T birthy stuff will be going on. I have changed my Twitter name to @abundantdoula for this shift. The Abundance Massage Facebook page will remain linked to the same account for now, and instead of maintaining a promotional blog for the business, I will keep all that to the FB page. I think this will streamline my social media presence a little, or at least make it a little more public-friendly.


Jena Vincent of Abundance Massage

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

A Fearless Woman: March

Pretend this was the first thing you saw on March 1st. I have a date book called A Fearless Woman. Every month begins with a quote, and I'm going to post them on the first of the month for the rest of the year.
Artwork detail ©Jeannine Roberts Royce

She Shines Her Light
She is not stifled by setbacks or paralyzed by fear.
She uses life's challenges as exquisite opportunities
to reexamine her vision, to reassess her gifts, and
to summon back her light. 
-"A Fearless Woman" 2011 date book,

Jena Vincent of Abundance Massage